Should you call the employer after an Interview?

I’m going to walk you through when you should call (and NOT call) the interviewer after an interview.

There are a couple cases where a phone call after the interview is a good idea, but many cases where this is *not* a very good idea, so we’ll cover everything below…
When Should You Call the Interviewer After an Interview?

The first question to ask yourself is…

1. What do you want to say?

In general, hiring managers and employers are BUSY. So if something is really simple and can be said via email, that might be a better choice.

I’m a big fan of contacting the company after an interview in general – if you forgot to mention something if you thought of a question to ask, etc. However, in many cases, email is a much better choice.

So that leads us to the next question to ask yourself when deciding whether you should call after the interview…

2. Would email be just as effective?

If your answer to this question is “yes”, I’d consider sending an email. Since hiring managers are busy, they’ll be able to read this when it’s convenient. You could even use a follow-up email after the interview to schedule a time to touch base on the phone. That way you know you’re getting them at a good time.

However, if they haven’t been answering your emails, then a call makes sense! That brings me to the next point.

3. Have you already tried emailing?

If you sent an email and waited 3-4 business days without a reply, then calling the interviewer or employer is a good logical next step!

If the company isn’t answering your emails, they really can’t blame you for calling them. So go ahead!

4. Are you following up for feedback?

If so, I strongly recommend an email instead (if you haven’t already). However, if you’ve tried emailing and gotten no response after a couple days then calling is a good option.

As mentioned in point #3 above, don’t be afraid to use the phone if you’ve exhausted other options like email.

5. Are calling to thank them?

If this is the case, I’d recommend sending a written thank you note or email. It’s not recommended that you call the interviewer after an interview to thank them for their time (although an email or note is definitely a must-do!)

6. Are you unsure about the next steps?

Try to ask this at the end of each interview in the future, but if you’re unsure what to expect moving forward, you can definitely contact the company to ask. However, an email is much more suitable for this as the first option in most industries.

It does depend on your industry and the specific people you’re talking to, though. So let’s talk about that next…

7. Are you worried the interview went badly?

If you’re unsure if the interview went well, or have a bad feeling, you really can only wait at this point. Calling won’t make things better, and it might just make it worse.

So if you finished your interview in the last day or two, just wait for feedback.

8. Is there something important you want to clarify or forget to mention?

This can definitely be a good reason for calling the employer after the interview. If you have one specific thing you want to add or one question you wish you had answered differently, you can call them up and mention it.

However, like with almost everything mentioned above, you could also do this via email if you’re more comfortable. It’s up to you. But this is a valid reason to call after the interview.

9. Did the interviewer or employer invite you to call?

This is an obvious sign it’s okay to call. If they gave you their phone number or a business card with their number on it and said to reach out if you needed anything, then go for it!

However, if you dug their phone number up through Google or something else, I’d be more hesitant and would recommend email instead.

10. Who’s your audience?

I come from a background in Tech Recruiting, and Biotech/Pharma before that. Those are pretty modern industries that use technology a ton. As a tech recruiter, we’d use instant messaging and LinkedIn messenger to send resumes, etc.

However, I know other industries are still much more formal/traditional. So when you decide whether you should call after an interview, you’ll need to consider the specific people you’re talking with.

What industry is this? Is it very formal and relies more heavily on phone than email? Or is it more modern and tech-savvy?

And who is the hiring manager or person you’d be calling? What do they seem to use to communicate more often? How has the employer communicated with you up until this point? (For example, when scheduling your interviews, etc.)

Asking yourself those things will give you clues about whether it’s a good idea to hop on the phone or just send an email instead after the interview.

Should You Call the Interviewer after an Interview?

Most things are communicated just as well by email, so that’s a better first step usually. However, if you’ve already tried emailing and have not gotten a response, calling on the phone is okay.

It’s also okay if the interviewer gave you their phone number and invited you to call if you needed anything. Some very traditional industries prefer phone calls and would look down upon an email, so use your best judgment to assess your industry, too.

And finally, if you just have a strong preference for calling, you should go ahead and call the interviewer after the interview. It’s better than spending days waiting nervously and feeling distracted when you should be getting back to your job search (yes, you should be applying for more jobs until you accept a job offer!!)

Aside from these cases mentioned above, an email is typically a better first option for contacting most employers after an interview.

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