1. Organisation and time management
Organisation is not something that can always be taught, and the employer won’t have the time or desire to train someone on how to manage the basics. An organised worker is far more efficient than someone who lacks the ability or care to manage their own tasks on a daily basis.The employer doesn’t want to have to micromanage each employee, and would expect them to manage their own appointments and deadlines. Every job requires an employee to have good organisation skills. A secretary would need to be able to manage a diary, whilst an accountant would need to meet deadlines at month end.
2. Hard skills
You should always tailor and customise your CV to the role, the company and even the industry. This will ensure you cover as many aspects as possible as listed in the job advert. You can also conduct research by reading the company’s website and social media pages.The employer has made the effort to write a job description and talk about the company. You should pay attention to this when writing a CV. Everybody who applies for a job should rewrite their CV to cater for the employer’s requests. The job advert has not just been created as an advertisement for job hunters to respond too.
3. Team Working abilities
You are far more likely to gain a promotion and create a fantastic career for yourself if you work well with others. Your CV needs to reflect your passion and understanding for team working, and how that is far more important than being the hero. However, any manager would tell you that it’s not just individual performance that’s important – it’s also how everyone works together.Arguments and disagreements are all part and parcel of daily working life, but it’s how those problems are solved that’s the key to success. If the role you’re applying for is very much a ‘flying solo’ position, then maybe this won’t apply to you as much.
The daily interaction between co-workers is very important, and all managers and business owners like to hire people that seamlessly work together towards a common goal. There are very few jobs in the world that don’t require some level of team working.
4. Industry/commercial awareness
Use the right words (technical jargon) within your CV to help describe certain aspects. But make sure your cover letter and personal statement also showcase your knowledge of the industry. Your understanding of the current market, the product or service, and the customer needs to shine through. Tailor your achievements and examples of performance to the industry. The employer wants to read your CV and see that it oozes awareness for, not just their business, but also the industry.Ideally you should always try and find examples that are directly aligned to that position or even the company. But specific industry and commercial statements within your CV are fine also. Having a high level of commercial awareness will impress any hiring manager. This would of course be better than nothing at all, and without any commercial injection into your CV you are representing someone who doesn’t know the industry.
5. Effective communication – confidence
Using cliché statements like this will actually decrease your chances. An employer is far too accustomed to seeing these bold statements, and it will go against you. For instance, if written communication is an important aspect of the role, then consider providing examples. You could provide a link to an article you wrote on the internet, or even attach a physical copy of your dissertation.The ‘show, don’t tell’ principal of CV writing is the best approach. So avoid the cliché statements and focus upon how you can provide evidence to support your skills. Use your work experience to showcase your communication skills. Provide examples of customer complaint resolution and other instances of going above and beyond for a customer. This type of evidence has a far greater impact than simply stating you ‘have great communication skills’.
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