How to Write a Job Application Email

How do you write a job application email? How to write a good subject line in a job application? What are the contents of a job application email? These all question about how to write a job application email. If you’re just starting your career or if this is the first job that you’ve had to apply for, you’re probably facing a bunch of questions.

Before we take a look at the email example, here’s what you should know before writing a job application email.

1. A Good Subject Makes All the Difference

The subject line is easily the most common mistake that applicants make in their job application email. So, every will see the your email subject first it’s critical that you write a good and relevant subject. Moreover, you should also avoid long and vague sentences in the subject line.

2. Keep it Formal & Concise

You are applying for a job that is going to shape your professional career, and you should obviously write a formal job application email. Furthermore, Use “Hello,” instead of “Hey!” and avoid using emojis. Keep the content of the email to the point and don’t waste everyone’s time by writing long and irrelevant paragraphs.

3. Use a Professional Email Address

There’s a very good chance that you created an email account very early as a teenager and are still using it today because it is tied to numerous accounts on websites. Besides, you need notice your old email as micheal1989@gmail let's create a new email with a professional name as micheal.lunch@gmail to use it for your work.

4. Include Important Attachments

Any hiring manager or recruiter will only find your job application email relevant if it has all the relevant documents as attachments. Relevant documents include your CV, a cover letter, important certifications, etc.

And, when reading these files for attaching to the email, ensure that you rename them properly. If your CV file attachment is named "my doc-2-final doc-1.docx", your email is probably going to be trashed.

Lastly, mention a list of the attachments towards the end of your email job application. This works as a ready reference for the hiring manager and makes it easy to locate a file.

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